Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Here is a glimpse into what nursing school mixed with being a musician is like:

0545-up and ready for the day, print off lecture notes, etc.
0725-leave for ODU (I always seem to push things until the last minute
0800-class (today we heard a heartbreaking story at the end of class and I couldn't stop crying)
1100-lunch with Clarissa and Brian @ the Mexican place. I ate too many salty things and felt sick
1200-Labor and delivery class. We say the most traumatizing movie today, and I was just not feeling well, so it was a very long class
1530-Warm up for vocal lesson
1645-Fight traffic to get back home, eat, grab violin/music, and off to rehearsal
1830-Celtica rehearsal
2100-Home to get music out, practice piano for tomorrow's Veteran's Day performance
2300-Try to start paper for next week
0015-Take silly facebook quizzes b/c my brain's gone
0100-Sleep time

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